[Slideshare] Cracking the 'Human Intelligence' Code

As humans, the need to connect with others at a much deeper level cannot be overemphasized - it helps us forge deeper relationships, become preferred partners, and influence actions and behaviours, just to mention a few.

However, unlike robots who can simply be "wired" to behave in certain ways, humans need to drill beneath the surface to learn how to leverage human intelligence.

Human intelligence refers to the ability to handle abstract concepts, adapt to new situations, and change one's environment using acquired knowledge.

In addition, the right blend of human intelligence and active listening helps teams to collaborate better, unite to achieve a common objective, share the vision and enthusiasm and ultimately drive the right results when motivated.

Unlike machines, humans are often motivated by key elements which drive their decisions and work output.

What are the rules of effective listening? Why is empathy important? How can you leverage the three types of empathy to establish an emotional connection? What factors drive and motivate others?

How do you crack this 'Human Intelligence' code?

Over the last 17 years at Workforce Group, our leaders have worked with various leaders to help create the right culture, improve cognitive and emotional intelligence and create a motivated and high-performing workforce. In this deck, we share the most effective strategies to successfully and consistently crack the Human Intelligence code.

As you prepare to take on greater leadership responsibilities, download this deck to learn how to influence your peers and create tremendous value that would have your name mentioned in conversations for years to come.

You can clip the slides that interest you or even download the entire presentation.

Complimentary Guide

How to Use Assessment to Measure the Impact of Learning in the Workplace

All businesses should value organisational learning because it improves their overall effectiveness by fostering the creation, transfer, and retention of knowledge within the organisation.
You will discover how to use assessment to determine if your workforce is expanding and making an impact in this guide.

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