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Fit-for-purpose and effective leadership development interventions start with talent evaluation.


To measure competency and personality types, we use some of the most practical and pragmatic instruments available. Our diverse array of leadership assessments are designed to identify the unique strengths and competencies of business leaders across all levels. Our suite of leadership assessment tools also identify potential areas where leaders can unlock additional value needed to achieve success. When combined with our Leadership development programmes, these leadership assessments helps organisations evolve while creating the best trajectory for each business leader.

We offer Context-relevant Leadership Evaluation and Development to improve the Leadership Capacity and Performance of each Business Leader

Competency-based Assessment for Business Leaders

Competency-based assessment is an evaluation approach that focuses on demonstrating specific skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to perform a particular task or job. This type of leadership evaluation is designed to measure a leader’s proficiency in specific competencies or skills.

Our competency-based leadership assessment provides a more accurate and detailed picture of each leader’s abilities and strengths. By focusing on specific competencies needed to drive business succes, we identify areas where leaders need to improve and help them develop a personalised development plan to address these gaps.

Competency-based assessment across different areas of the leadership spectrum is a valuable tool used to evaluate the skills and knowledge of leaders in a more nuanced and personalised way.

You no longer need to rely solely on traditional assessments such as exams and essays, set your business up for success by scheduling a leadership evaluation for your leaders today.

Leadership Personality Assessment 

Our Leadership personality assessment aims to identify leaders’ strengths, areas for improvement, and leadership style and potential.

Our Leadership personality assessments typically focus on a range of personality traits, such as emotional intelligence, self-awareness, empathy, resilience, creativity, and communication skills. These traits are often evaluated through a combination of self-assessment questionnaires, feedback from peers and colleagues, and behavioural observations.

Ultimately, our leadership personality test is a valuable tool for creating tailored development plans to support effective leadership in your organisation. We can also help your organisation identify and develop future leaders and improve overall leadership effectiveness.

Case Work/Analytical Exercise

A case work/analytical exercise is a type of assessment we use to evaluate leadership problem-solving and analytical skills in a real or simulated work environment. The exercise typically involves presenting the leaders with a specific business problem or scenario and asking them to analyse the situation, identify potential solutions, and provide recommendations.
Our case work/analytical exercise aims to evaluate a leader’s ability to apply critical thinking, strategic planning, and problem-solving skills to a complex business scenario. We also assess their ability to communicate their analysis and recommendations effectively.

These particularly created exercises comprise a feasibility and profitability analysis of introducing new products/services to a market and are filled with unique leadership qualities indicators.

360-Degree Leadership Assessment

A 360-degree Leadership assessment is a multi-source assessment that provides leaders with feedback from a range of sources, including supervisors, peers, and subordinates. The assessment typically involves a series of questions designed to evaluate a leader’s performance and behaviour across a range of competencies, such as communication, leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving.

One of the key benefits of our 360-degree feedback assessment is that it provides leaders with a broader perspective of their performance than traditional performance appraisals. We also help them to identify blind spots, areas of strength, and areas for improvement that they may not have been aware of.

Our 360 leadership assessment focuses on subjective aspects like teamwork, character, and leadership effectiveness. It provides a more holistic understanding of the subject through input from coworkers, bosses, subordinates, and other stakeholders.

High Potential Identification Assessment

As a business leader, you know that your organisation's success depends on your team's talent. But do you know which employees have the potential to take your organisation to the next level? Our High Potential Identification Assessment can help you find out.

Our HIPO identification Assessment is designed to assess your top performers based on various criteria, including leadership skills, strategic thinking, adaptability, agility, drive and more. By using our data-driven approach, you can identify those employees with the greatest potential to make a significant impact on your organisation's future.

Don't let your high-potential employees go unnoticed or undeveloped, unlock the full potential of your top talent today.

Leadership Readiness Assessment

Our Leadership Readiness Assessment aims to identify an individual's leadership capabilities and help them build the confidence, skills, and mindset necessary to succeed in leadership roles within your organisation.

Our assessment is more than just a test - it's a powerful personal and professional growth tool. Our expert coaches and consultants will help you interpret your results and create a customised learning and development plan to help your leaders achieve their leadership goals. From leadership training to executive coaching, we have the resources and expertise you need to help your team succeed as leaders.

And because leadership readiness is a dynamic process, we offer ongoing support and coaching to help your leaders stay on track and continue to grow. Take our Leadership Readiness Assessment today and gain the insight and guidance you need to achieve your goals.

Ready to Get Started?

Talk to us today about your leadership assessment needs. Schedule an Assessment now