
Are You Ready For the HR director Role?

How to Determine If you're ready and exactly what to do if you discover you're not.

“Why do you think you are ready for the head of HR/HR Director role, and how confident are you?”

Although this question appears to be simple, over the years, we have seen HR professionals struggle to articulate the right response to it. Yes, you have profound experience as an HR Professional and you’ve been saddled with enough responsibilities in your current position that you know you can deliver as an HR Director, you have also acquired all the relevant certifications needed to make this great leap.

But what actually comes next? How do you prepare for the role of the HR director and how do you convince others, with measurable evidence, to give you a shot as an HR director?

Our 5-step guide to determining your readiness for the Head of HR role explores the secrets, strategies and tips needed to take your career to the next level and beyond.

Find out what we have been sharing with some of the senior HR professionals in our network to help them achieve a role change to a much higher level. From helping you to double-check your skills and expertise, to building your professional profile and closing your experience gaps, the strategies in this Guide will help you to move to the next level that you desire and thoroughly deserve even in the midst of the chaos and global business uncertainties.

What is included in the guide: