
[Slideshare] Cracking The 'Effective Coaching Conversation' Code.

As a leader, how effective are your coaching conversations in driving work performances from your employees?

Do interactions with your employees enable them to develop their skills and attitudes?

More importantly, how often do you have engaging conversations that focus solely on your employees and drive them to advance their careers?

Coaching conversations are no longer traditional. Employees are no longer satisfied with simple congratulatory statements that add little value to their plans to improve skills and advance careers. The courtesy of occasional employee surveys and review are no longer enough to engage them and maximise performance effectively.

In the current business environment, factors like organisation culture, pay package and opportunity for growth are essential factors that can influence the performance of your employees and help them to work towards achieving set goals.

However, one critical factor not often talked about which equally plays a fundamental role in enhancing your employees' performance is the effectiveness of your coaching conversations.

Today's employees thrive in organisations where leaders consistently communicate with their employees and provide personalised feedbacks that help them to get better. Being a leader, you need to know your employees' pain points, focus on them as individuals and constantly probe for their development.

As a leader, what steps do you take to ensure that conversations with your employees result in positive and improved performances? Are you open-minded about the individual challenges of the employee and ask thoughtful questions about their growth processes? How often do you give feedback that prompts self-reflection and self-realisation? What action plans do you adopt to empower your employee to address challenges in their development?

How do you crack the Effective Coaching Conversation Code and adopt a competent coaching culture?

At Workforce Group, we understand the importance of effective coaching conversations in developing your current employees and future leaders. Through our coaching programmes, we have identified the challenges impeding the progress of today’s employees, and we’ve developed strategies you can deploy to help your employees overcome this hurdle.

Gain the strategies required to groom your employees, improve their performance, advance their careers and ensure your organisation have potential leaders that can guarantee the sustainability of your organisation.

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