
[Slideshare] Cracking The 'Learning Engagement' Code.

“In order to create an engaging learning experience, the role of instructor is optional, but the role of learner is essential.”
Bernard Bull

When defining the goals for a learning strategy, most L&D teams would probably agree that “high learner engagement” is among the key components to focus on.

When it comes to learning engagement - or lack of learning engagement - the words of Gary Vaynerchuk come to mind. "You're always one great piece of content away from having your life changed."

In this age of information and technology, competition for attention and engagement has reduced considerably. The presence of 30-seconds videos and 24-hour status updates are evidence of the increasingly narrowing global attention span.

As a result, participants' engagement during learning remains a continuous challenge. Effective engagement is determined by how invested an employee is in the organisation's growth. Employees should feel appreciated and satisfied at work in order to achieve that investment.

As business leaders, learner engagement is one of the most important aspects to continuously track, as it provides you with a good indication of how well your learning & development strategy is yielding the desired result.

  How then can you measure the “degree” of engagement in your learning session?

How do you crack the Learning Engagement Code?

At Workforce Group, we help organisations create and drive a learning culture to drive a productive, high-performance and engaged workforce. We help our clients foster a culture of learning in their teams, while also making a significant impact on individuals and the organisation as a whole.

Create an accountable culture and empower your leaders to effectively manage your workforce by scheduling a consultation or sending an email to today

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