

Similar to Germany and the United States, the Nigerian HR and Industrial Relations environment has been described as highly “legalistic”. This is because, in addition to its Common Law origin, the Nigerian System has witnessed an increasing growth and influence from other sources of Law – especially since 1968 when the era of voluntarism was officially brought to an end.

Similar to Germany and the United States, the Nigerian HR and Industrial Relations environment has been described as highly “legalistic”. This is because, in addition to its Common Law origin, the Nigerian System has witnessed an increasing growth and influence from other sources of Law – especially since 1968 when the era of voluntarism was officially brought to an end.

Added to this growth has been the relatively new phenomenon of “Judicial Activism” and internationalization of employment arising mainly from the new status of the National Industrial Court following the 3rd Amendment of the 1999 Constitution.

All of these mean that the Nigerian Labour Law landscape leverages rich and diverse sources to inform well detailed legislations affecting every aspect of the Nigerian experience including business.

However, many business executives are unaware of the intricacies of the law which often results in forced closures, hefty fines, court cases, and in extreme cases, failed businesses.

This is why we designed this workshop to expose participants to the full coverage of the Nigerian Labour Law to better guide decision making.

Date: February 17th – 19th, 2022
Duration: 3 days
Course: Labour Law Workshop (Virtual)
Time: 8:30am – 1:00pm daily (4hours 30 mins)
Cost: #150,000

Objectives of the Nigerian Labour Law Workshop

This Labour Law workshop is ideal for:

Speakers Section

Lagbaja Tamedo

Global Head of Talent, XYZ Nigeria

Lagbaja Tamedo

Global Head of Talent, XYZ Nigeria

Course Syllabus

The labour law workshop has five modules that cover several key learnings:

At the end of this course, participants will be equipped to:


Silver sponsor

Bronze sponsor

Structure and training journey

The live online session would feature the following



Tel: +ZZ (0) YYY 576 BBCC

Sponsorship, Marketing, Media, PR and Partnership Opportunites Ife Lawal


Tel: +XX 22 56 ZZ YYY