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Help your leaders unlock their potential - Invest in your leaders and drive your organisation's success.


Our Leadership Development Programme delivery methodology focuses on transferring learning from the classroom to the workplace. We adopt the 70:20:10 learning model which allows us to leverage practical exercises, coaching and mentoring, in-class training and other proven learning processes that result in effective leadership development. 

Our Leadership Development Programmes; 

What we do

How our leadership development programme works

Our goal is to help you develop the leaders your organisation needs, both now and in the future, at every level. We believe that by transforming your leaders, you can transform your entire organisation and achieve your desired results.

Our range of leadership development solutions can be tailored to your specific needs and business realities.

Our approach is designed to be practical, relevant, and highly engaging, incorporating the latest research in leadership development and adult learning. Our team of experienced professionals works closely with you to understand your unique challenges and opportunities and develop customised solutions that deliver measurable results.

We develop leaders across all tiers

Entry-level Leadership Development Programme

Our entry-level leadership development programmes involve a variety of training and development activities designed to enhance the leadership skills of first-time and young leaders while preparing them for effective leadership. We start with accurate assessments to identify each learner’s current state and work with them to deploy the right interventions needed to help them succeed.
Our entry-level leadership development programme is designed to provide a well-rounded and comprehensive learning experience that prepares your leaders for future leadership roles within the organisation. Ready to empower your people?

Mid-level Leadership Development Programme

Our highly mid-level leadership development programmes includes effective learning interventions based on proven methodologies and evolving workplace needs. The curriculum is expertly designed to help middle managers to connect the dots from the overall organisational strategy to the day-to-day tactical tasks — while effectively collaborating across functions to get work done.
Our Mid-level leadership development programme are designed based on your organisation’s unique needs and business realities. This programme is a proven powerful catalyst for accelerating the growth and development of key leaders and enabling them to lead their organisations to new levels of success.
Let’s help you design, develop and implement an effective leadership development programme for your mid-level managers today.

Executive Leadership Development Programme

Prepare your leaders for the highest level of leadership with our executive leadership development programmes.
These programmes are designed, developed and deployed to equip leaders with the skills and strategies needed to address today’s gap while preparing for the future. Our executive leadership development programmes are expertly designed to create impact and sustainable value that business executives can leverage in skillfully navigating Africa’s changing markets, address and overcome talent challenges, formulate new strategies and drive business growth.
Are you ready to explore senior leadership development programmes that work?

Addressing present day challenges

The challenges we face today are disruptive and broad-reaching, from digital transformation and economic upheaval to health, talent and environmental crises. This ever-changing landscape requires businesses to display true leadership across all levels to navigate successfully.

Leaders must embrace complexity and ambiguity, tackling seemingly unsolvable problems. In addition, leadership also demands empathy, innovation, and forward-thinking mindsets. How can you empower and inspire high-potential talent to achieve remarkable outcomes? How do you help your business executives to thrive? Our leadership development programmes are designed to be highly effective across all levels while maximising the abilities of business executives and HiPo talent to display visionary perspectives and ultimately help drive success in each organisation.

Are you ready to take the First Step towards your Leadership Development Plans?

Schedule a free consultation with us to get started.