
Manpower Outsourcing 101: Benefits & Choosing the Right Provider

In recent years, the most successful organisations have strategically channeled their resources to focus on core business functions. Running your business otherwise will ultimately lead to underutilisation of your resources, counter-productivity and staggered business growth. The primary factor that makes the best organisations stand out is the ability to identify the critical areas for their growth and profitability and how they channel the right resources to such areas. These organisations outsource their manpower requirements to manpower outsourcing experts who share their values and vision and intentionally ensure they achieve their business goals. 

Manpower outsourcing involves contracting your staffing requirements and management to a third-party organisation, usually an expert manpower outsourcing service provider. The outsourcing service provider takes full responsibility for managing the outsourced staff but collaborates with your organisation based on contractual terms. 

Manpower outsourcing is the most effective outsourcing model if your organisation aims to remove the burden of managing a large workforce. Adopting this model enables your organisation to gain efficiency and focus on core business functions. 

In this article, we discuss five significant benefits of adopting the manpower outsourcing model for your business 

Benefits of Manpower Outsourcing for Your Business

1. Focus on core strategic business functions

Focus on core strategic business functions

As mentioned earlier, this is the most significant benefit of manpower outsourcing to your organisation. It enables you to invest resources and time in other operations that are critical to driving business growth and profitability. 

Indeed, managing your workforce effectively can be complex and challenging, especially when other tasks overburden your in-house team. As a result, the most successful organisations have understood that the best solution to this challenge is outsourcing their manpower requirements. As a smart leader who is conscious of your organisation’s strengths, it is important to leverage these strengths to gain a competitive advantage while outsourcing other functions to expert and experienced outsourcing firms. 

2. Efficient employee management

Leading manpower outsourcing service providers like Workforce Group have the capability and expertise required to manage a large number of employees across various levels and industries; they have competent, experienced teams who have the required proficiency in handling the end-to-end process of employee management, including HR processes like recruitment, performance management, learning and development, payroll management, and exit management, etc. 

As a result, you can trust them to deliver the expected results while you focus on your core responsibilities. The manpower outsourcing model is a go-to strategic and viable solution if your organisation lack the in-house capability to manage your workforce. 

3. Cost savings

For most organisations, overhead costs typically form a significant part of their budget in financial terms and the amount of time spent working. Therefore, by outsourcing manpower to a leading outsourcing provider like Workforce Group, you save these costs. 

In other words, outsourcing your manpower requirements is a strategic solution to reduce costs and man-hours, ensuring you focus on the most important business aspects for long-term profitability and growth. 

When you get your manpower outsourcing right, your organisation can save significant costs that may then be used for other business purposes. 

4. Increased efficiency

Outsourcing your manpower requirements is also a good idea to increase efficiency by having a third party handle necessary tasks that are not part of your core business. For example, if your employees cannot handle specific tasks and you don’t intend to hire new staff, outsourcing to a manpower service provider is an effective way to find a solution without increasing salary expenses on your bottomline. 

In addition, you can also remove the time spent training new employees, leaving this to your outsourcing partner, who is the expert and knows the training needs of your outsourced team. 

5. Availability of high-quality talent

Another significant advantage of working with a leading manpower outsourcing provider like Workforce Group is gaining access to the best talent. 

By taking this option, you can leverage a pool of high-quality talent and experts and delegate your tasks for increased productivity, efficiency and the best possible results. 

How to Choose the Right Manpower Outsourcing Service Provider

Before enjoying any of the benefits mentioned above, you must get it right in selecting your manpower outsourcing service provider. Here are five (5) steps to consider when choosing your manpower outsourcing partner; 

Analyse reputation before accepting their service

Before accepting to work with a manpower outsourcing service firm, ensure they have a trusted reputation, share your organisation’s values, and align with your long-term business goals and vision. Intentionally track their record, analyse their previous client’s feedback, and ensure they’re what they say. 

Set clear goals at the onset

Once you have decided to partner with your manpower outsourcing service provider, you must set concise goals and be as transparent as possible to achieve them. Be clear on your expectations in finding the most suitable candidates for your organisation. 

Set out clear terms and options

Aside from setting clear goals, it is equally important to set clear working terms. For example, your outsourcing partner must be able to pay salaries when due. Having a top personnel outsourcing service provider will help save costs and other resources that can be channelled to other parts of the business. Still, you need to ensure they equally have the necessary resources, e.g., enough funds, to give you the best possible service. 

Verify data and intellectual property protection policy

Verify data and intellectual property protection policy

In today’s world, technology has revolutionised how we do business. As a result, you must ensure your data is managed properly and protected from external reach or influence. At Workforce Group, we usually ensure we sign a nondisclosure agreement with you before sharing any information. This way, we can prevent data leaks. 

Work With a Flexible Manpower Outsourcing Service Provider for Better Results

The ultimate goal for businesses is to increase profit and scale. When partnering with a manpower outsourcing provider, you must ensure they’re flexible enough to meet your needs effectively as you scale. In addition, you must agree on key success factors to measure the effectiveness of the service arrangement. 

You can find some common pitfalls to avoid while outsourcing here. 

When done right, manpower outsourcing can significantly impact your overall business performance and drive profitability while saving costs. 

At Workforce Group, we have built a trusted reputation and become the go-to manpower outsourcing provider for leading organisations across different industries in Nigeria. Whether you’re overwhelmed with trying to manage your staff strength, or you’re dissatisfied with the service arrangement of your current partner, we can help you manage your manpower needs. 

We have a team of experts ready to help you find the right business and people solutions to your business needs. 

Ready to partner with us? Kindly schedule a FREE consultation here or send us an email at 

Picture of Nneka Eneli

Nneka Eneli

Director, Workforce Outsourcing

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