
Recruitment of Senior Management Roles for a Client in the Pharmaceutical Industry

About Client 

Our client is a Life Science company with a more than 150-year history and core competencies in health care and agriculture. With their innovative products, they are contributing to finding solutions to some of the major challenges of this generation.  

The Challenge  

Strict adherence to government regulations is a must for organisations, not least one in the pharmaceutical/health industry. This is because the inability to do so comes with many costs. The costs include heavy fines, wastage of production funds and worst of all, lack of trust in the products by both public and private individuals. Our client understood that negligence and lack of awareness of the latest regulations were not options.   

As a result, they critically needed a Regulatory Affairs officer who would liaison the organisation and the regulatory bodies. They also needed them to oversee compliance and proper licensing of their pharmaceutical products.   

In addition, they increasingly desired to achieve more growth through increased productivity and efficiency in production.  

Therefore, they needed a Supply Chain Manager who would be in charge of the company’s overall supply chain strategy. The Supply Chain Manager will also manage the stages of production of their products, end-to-end. 

The Solution  

 The Solution

The key to helping clients hire the right people starts from thoroughly understanding their needs and the best way to proffering a solution. This was our starting point (Diagnose Stage) when deploying the 5-D Model to carry out the recruitment projects.  

After meeting with the client, we assessed their needs. We understood they needed professionals who knew about the business, could deliver and had experience working in these roles. We then defined the project scope and set up a team to carry out the project. This, we called the Design Stage.  

At the Develop Stage, we formulated a project plan; we also considered the client’s other requirements, such as diversity in recommended candidates, years of experience and previous roles.   

We included these details when building a success profile for the candidate. We also included some behavioural competencies needed to succeed in the role, and which the recommended candidate must possess.    

At the Deliver Stage, we then sourced widely for these candidates. After arriving at the suitable ones, we conducted interviews to ensure they actually had the capabilities needed to succeed in the role.  

We also assessed the other competencies through the interviews, and in the end, we were able to recommend a couple of them for each role to the client.  

The Outcome   

After conducting competency interviews for the candidates we sourced, we recommended 4 candidates for each role.   

This was to ensure that there was a variety of candidates to choose from by the client. The client was then able to choose the most suitable candidates for their organisation.  

Client Testimonial  

“The Recruitment Team of Workforce Group were really proactive about the whole recruitment project. That really impressed us.” 

Senior management roles are very important in any organisation. As a result, the recruitment process must be thorough and well-conducted. Looking for a partner to help you achieve that? Schedule a free consultation here and our subject matter experts will be in touch with you.  

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