Case Study – Market Entry Service for a Biotechnology Company
Our client is a global biotechnology company focused on research, development and production of industrial enzymes, microorganisms, and biopharmaceutical ingredients.
Our client is a global biotechnology company focused on research, development and production of industrial enzymes, microorganisms, and biopharmaceutical ingredients.
Organisations hire employees because they need people to drive their business strategy and achieve their goals. Oftentimes, potential hires are subjected to a series of pre-employment tests, interviews, and assessments to determine their fit for a specific job role.
Looking for ways to assess the impact of your organization’s training? Look no more! Good training programs cost money and even the cheap ones still cost your organization some money.
The ability to learn is one of humanity’s outstanding characteristics which occur throughout life either consciously or unconsciously.
Assessments are used by organisations during the hiring process to measure an employee’s capability to take on a role or job position.
The 5 Essential Traits of Great Managers
Imagine your organisation without managers. Imagine all your employees knocking on your door for approval on almost everything. That can just be frustrating. This is why organisations always demand for great managers, at all levels.
Employing training is not only critical to the professional development of employees. It also determines if an organisation will join the exclusive league of high performing companies around the world.
The success of any business can be attributed to its customers. The customer indirectly call the shots and have the power to send any CEO or business owner packing if they are unhappy with the services rendered to them.
A social scientist conducted an experiment; he asked groups of engineers, CEO’s, primary school kids and a random set of people to build a structure as tall as they can. The materials: spaghetti and chewing gum. The time: 30 minutes. The engineers built the highest structure, but what comes next is interesting. The primary school kids beat the CEO’s with a significant difference in structure height every time.